Reduce your risk

Drilling wells is the most expensive part of exploration.The more detail you get from your seismic the less risk you have at both the reservoir level and in the near surface.

In exploration, it is not unusual to spend $100 million acquiring seismic, $10 million processing it, and years interpreting it. And all so you can drill a well that costs more than all of it put together. But the seismic you depend upon contains vast amounts of subsurface details that you can't see on conventional seismic displays. Those details can make or break a project.

StratiScape displays show every subsurface detail, clearly and unambigously. Reduce your risk! Don't drill another well until you have made sure that you have learned everything your seismic can tell you.

Fault Identification

Faults at the Target Level

It is essential to visually identify both major and minor faulting at the reservoir level to ensure the integrity of your target zone.

In this example from the Hibernia 3D, observe how much clearer the minor faulting is on the StratiScape display.

Drilling Hazards

Before you drill, your engineers must know what they will encounter. Unidentified faults are a serious drilling hazard because they can cause a loss of drilling fluid.

In the center of this example from offshore Peru, there are a series of minor faults that on the greyscale display would be either ignored or misidentified as noise trains.

But the same faults are unmistakable on the StratiScape display.

Increased Geological Details

Australian Poseidon 1 Well

The crosshair mark the target location of the Australian Poseidon 1 well, a dry hole with minor gas shows. The greyscale display is identical to the displays shown in the interpretation report.

Look closely at the increased amount of detail that the StratiScape display reveals. Given that those details are virtualy free information, what reason would you have for not wanting to see them?

Carbonate Platform Buildup

Here is an example of a carbonate platform buildup in the Zechstein formation of the UK NSTA's Mid North Sea High project. It is a potential drilling target.

Study the subtle amplitude variations and how StratiScape's automatic stratigraphic fill brings the platform to life. Which display do you think your investors would want to see?
We bring seismic to life
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